El Rey Fido XI & the Royal Court 2013

El Rey FidoMillie XI, Millie
Owner Christie Crowell
Believe it or not, Millie and Christie’s story starts with an abandoned Millie in search of family. After a long day of work at Lucy’s Doggy Daycare, a man dropped Millie off saying that he found her roaming along a freeway. She had a pink collar on with no tags, was not microchipped and was clearly underweight. Trying to help her find her way back home, Christie took her home for the evening, after giving her a spa treatment at Lucy’s of course. She posted pictures everywhere she could think, but no one claimed her.  After a few days went by without any responses, Christie knew that Millie had already found her home. Christie had picked out a name for her, bought a new bed for her and had already welcomed her into her home. Talk about a rags to riches story, just a year and a half later she has gone from being a dog in search of a home to a dog who has captured the hearts of the city. She loves to play fetch and be with people, especially children, but Millie & Christie really treasure the time they spend running together.  She gets extremely excited when she hears the word “GO”, or sees her leash in view. Christie says Millie is the most loyal, trusting, and loving companion she could ever ask for and she considers herself the lucky one to have Millie in her life.

Prince of the Perpetual Food Bowl, ZiggyZiggy
Owners Lisa Gonzales & Bernard Leal
Ziggy is a three-year old Rottweiler and Australian Cattle Dog mix.  He was found wandering the grounds of the Sherwood Forest Faire in 2010 and was taken in by one of the musicians, Oisin.  Oisin cared for him, but had to relocate later that year and couldn’t afford to bring Ziggy with him. That’s when Ziggy and his human, Lisa, were brought together.  Oisin asked Lisa if she would be interested in adopting a large puppy and she eagerly agreed. He now happily spends his days chasing birds and squirrels in his back yard and enjoys snacking on homemade peanut butter treats and boiled green beans lovingly made for him by his humans.  Lisa and Ziggy entered the El Rey Fido contest for two reasons: (1) to raise funds for the animals that are sheltered at the San Antonio Humane Society; and (2) to raise awareness about the number of really great animals that need to be adopted.  Ziggy has brought so much happiness to his owner’s life, and Lisa says including Ziggy in her family was one of the best decisions she has ever made. Her hope is that others will open their homes and hearts to an abandoned dog or cat so that they too can experience the happiness that comes from spending time with a wonderful companion.

Duchess of the Indestructible Chew Toy, AmaraAmara
Owner Christina Bracken
In Amara’s five short months of life, this dog has already shown the world an incredible amount of love and taught many people the true meaning of paying it forward. Still in her puppyhood, Amara has helped a school raise money to help its students, and helped the SAHS raise funds to help San Antonio’s homeless pets. But there is still much more to this sweet pup than meets the eye. In addition to being a face for many good causes, Amara is also quite the smarty pup. She already knows how to sit, shake hands, lay down, and stay and her owners can’t wait to see what this little ball of joy will show them next! Her owner says her title as Duchess of the Indestructible Chew almost fits her too well because she absolutely loves to chew anything and everything she can get her little paws on! Christina also says that Amara has brightened up their home and is such a blessing to have in their family; they now can’t imagine what their lives would be like without her.

Duke of the Ever-Present Fire Hydrant, Skylar
SkylarOwners Michelle Herrera & Herminio Griego
Skylar is a San Antonio Humane Society alumnus. His owners, Herminio & Michelle, first saw him on the website, but when they met him knew it was love at first sight. However, on their way to fill out his adoption application, one of the volunteers mentioned that Skylar had a sister named Star. They made their way back to the puppy room and visited with the siblings together and decided there was no way they could separate them. So, they made a happy ending even happier, adopting both Skylar and Star and allowing the siblings to be together forever. Herminio & Michelle say they are very blessed to have found them both and love to take them walking around their neighborhood and to the Madison Square Dog Park. When asked why they ran Skylar for El Rey Fido they said it was the perfect opportunity to give back to the SAHS.  With the help of Facebook and hosting some events at Deco Pizzeria, they were able to raise over $1,000 for the animals at the SAHS and feel very honored to be a part of El Rey Fido 2013.

Knight of the Royal Court, BlueBlue
Owner Gloria Rivera
Blue came into his owner’s life in 2001 when she moved to SA. There was a promotion on the news for an adoption event where she actually saw another puppy she wanted. Gloria was the 4th person in line and when the doors opened, they took her straight to the puppy she had seen. It turned out not to be the right fit for her family, so she took a stroll around to see the other pets.  It was then that she came across Blue in an area with 4 of his siblings. He looked up at her with the most beautiful bright blue eyes, stole her heart and she knew he was the one she came for! Since adoption, Blue has been with Gloria through a 2nd diagnosis of Leukemia and a bone marrow transplant.  When she was home sick, Blue would sit right by her side. And on the rough days, he would put his chin on her lap and look up to let Gloria know he was there for her. He’s been Gloria’s protector through many hard times, but today is a day to celebrate in his success with the love of his owners and best friends. Gloria & JR say they could not imagine their lives without him and even at 11 years old, he IS still their baby!

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The San Antonio Humane Society (SAHS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, no-kill organization that has served Bexar County and its surrounding areas since 1952. The SAHS shelters, medically treats, and rehabilitates thousands of dogs and cats every year.

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