Special Giving Funds

Rescue and Rehab Funds

At the San Antonio Humane Society, we make every effort to find the best home for the pets in our care. Sadly, many of the dogs and cats that come to us have been abused, neglected, injured or have chronic illnesses. These injured or ill animals are treated based on the funds available at the time of intake or illness. Through the Michaels Medical Rescue Fund, you can choose to make a contribution to a special needs animal. This will decrease the costs associated with the provision of necessary medical care they need and deserve. Once these animals are healthy, they will then be available to the public for adoption. We appreciate any contribution offered.

Michaels Medical Rescue Fund

MMR Fund pictures
Through the Michaels Medical Rescue (MMR) Fund, you can choose to make a contribution to a special needs animal. Many animals that come through the doors at the San Antonio Humane Society need extra care, whether it be due to abuse, neglect, injuries, or chronic illness. Donations to the Michaels Medical Rescue Fund help decrease the costs associated with the provision of necessary medical care they need and deserve. Click below to donate to the Michaels Medical Rescue Fund!

Heartworm Fund

Heartworm Fund for SAHS picture

Heartworm infection is a serious problem in San Antonio and its surrounding areas. Due to our warm, wet climate, the mosquitoes, which carry juvenile heartworms prolifically, can spread the parasites to many animals– even humans. A great number of dogs coming into our shelter are afflicted with heartworm infection, and must be treated before they can go to their new homes. The Heartworm Fund assists in providing heartworm treatment for our shelter animals. Click below to donate to the Heartworm Fund!

Guardian Angel Fund

Guardian Angel Fund pictures SAHS

Can’t adopt a friend? Can’t foster? Sponsor a dog or cat and help us Connect Friends For Life!! Your contributions to our Guardian Angel Fund make it possible for us to reduce the adoption fees for dogs and cats at our facility, thus increasing their chances of adoption. We appreciate all of your efforts to help our animals find their forever homes. Click below to donate to the Guardian Angel Fund!

SAHS new hours
Winter Closure January 21, 2025
SAHS closed for Thanksgiving and Nov. 29
Sosy and Sasha's spooktacular adoption special
fall in love cat and kitten adoption special
the SAHS closed on Oct 22 for a special event
sahs special hours oct 11
no wellness clinic on September 21