Foster Stories

FelixCindy & kittens
This is my first year as a Foster Parent for the San Antonio Humane Society. So far, I’ve taken in three batches of kittens (and one momma). Each batch has provided me with the chance to have “babies” in my home, without breaking my husband’s mandate that we adopt no more animals. (There is always a loophole!)

Since I have a houseful of my own 4-legged critters, I have to limit my fostering to animals that can be kept in the kennel, with strictly supervised “out” time in the playroom. (My husband’s man-cave has been graciously offered as a playground for the fosters, once they are less contagious. The man-cave is also able to be sanitized to a degree, with the use of a bleach and water spray.)

My own long list of animal family members over the years has been long, varied, and full of behavior and medical challenges. So when asked if I was willing to take in animals with ringworm, I just shrugged and said: “Why not? It’s no worse than athletes foot.” I just stocked up on extra t-shirts to wear when interacting with the critters; bleach; spray bottles; and Dawn dish detergent.

I have a young God son who loves playing with my animals, and he loves kittens. Each new batch of fosters has been a challenge for him as well… since he can’t play with them until they’re medically cleared… but he does get to help at bath time.

Each batch of fosters we’ve cared for has provided us with different challenges, and there’s always one in the batch that needs extra special attention. By the time they are cleared and up for adoption, they’ve all made special indents on my heart and our house seems emptier without them. But, knowing that they’ve been rescued and have new homes, loving families, and a great start on a new lives makes it all worth the time, effort and love invested in these non-permanent members of our family.

Chance and BarryChance and Barry
I wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to foster Chance. He was an absolute joy to have around.

He was so emaciated when I received him, and it was heartwarming to watch him not only gain seven pounds in two weeks, but also to watch his energy level pick up. He was playing and bounding around the house and yard and having a ball.

He is so well behaved, especially for a puppy, that he will make someone a great companion. I would have loved to adopt him myself, but having two dogs would be difficult for me with the amount of traveling I do. I hope he gets adopted quickly, as the thought of him being caged, and not in a home with a good owner, is disheartening.

Please keep me posted on his status. If any perspective adopters would like to speak with me about Chance, I would be happy to do it.
Thanks again,

Hamlet and BarbaraHamlet and Barbara
My name is Barbara and several week’s ago I fostered a Chihuahua/Mix, approximately 1 1/2 to 2 years old. When we left the San Antonio Humane Society I am sure Hamlet didn’t know where he was going. He had been in a kennel for a long time and I am sure he thought he was going to be put in another place like the one he just left. He started whining so I started to talk to him to try and comfort him and let him know everything was going to be okay and we were going to a place where he was going to be very happy. 

When we got home and I let him out of the carrier he was delighted, at first he was shy then shortly he started picking up his toys and playing with them. It didn’t take long for me to realize Hamlet was happy and would follow me everywhere I went. A couple of days went by and I started taking him outside, we played fetch with a tennis ball and he would bring the ball back. Sometimes he would just keep the ball in his mouth and run all around the yard.

Hamlet is an adorable, well behaved, no barking, and easy to train dog. I thoroughly enjoyed my foster time with him, he is a delight. I really miss not having Hamlet around!!!

Do you have a foster story and photos? If so, e-mail

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The San Antonio Humane Society (SAHS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, no-kill organization that has served Bexar County and its surrounding areas since 1952. The SAHS shelters, medically treats, and rehabilitates thousands of dogs and cats every year.

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